Kait Tonti

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Kait Tonti holds a PhD in English and is a professor and scholar of early American literature and multiethnic American literature. She has taught at many institutions including Hollins University and Seton Hall University. She has several publications on early American women's life-writing and poetry. Her current work is focused on the 18th century Quaker, Hannah Lawrence Schieffelin's poetry, for which she has created an Omeka Exhibit and is in the process of completing a book proposal for a edited collection of Schieffelin's work. Kait's other scholarly interests include 18th and 19th-century Native American women's writing, materiality studies, digital humanities, and portrayals of early America in popular culture.

March 9, 2022

221. Reading the Political Poetry of Hannah Lawrence Schieffelin with Dr. Kait Tonti

Hannah Lawrence Schieffelin was an American poet who rhymed about some of the most important issues facing the early United States in the eighteenth century, including the British occupation of New York City during the Americ...
Guest: Kait Tonti